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Meeting – Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Marcia Lambert, Sam Fiori, MaryAnne Piechocki.   Sandra Power, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.   Absent:  Mary Ellen Halliwell, Bev Moustakis ,
Members met at 7:33 P.M.

The Minutes of the meeting held October 4, 2011 were reviewed and amended to note that the Traffic Island Report in item number 3 was a status report and not an end of the year report.  

1.   Halloween – MaryAnne reported that the pumpkin decorating activity was very successful and the winners of the Halloween costumes were thrilled.  Many thanks were extended to all of those who donated pumpkins for the “after school programs” pumpkin decorating contest which was fun for all.
Among the donors were Cromwell Growers of Connecticut in association with Home Depot, Gibney Gardens and Clark Farms of Danvers.

2.  Christmas – This year the Committee will provide and install the “barber pole” like red ribbons on the  street light poles of downtown Washington Street and the Pedestrian Mall.  Marcia is to obtain twenty rolls of 6 inch ribbon.  Dates for the decorating are to be determined.

3.  Traffic Islands – Sandi reported that the Committee will have to give up its maintenance of the Congress Street “traffic island” intersection.  The area demands more time than the Committee and its volunteers can give to it.

Discussion turned to the November meeting.  It was moved, seconded and passed that the meeting scheduled for November 22nd be rescheduled to November 29th (the Tuesday after the Thanksgiving holiday.)
4.  Lady of Salem – Progress is being made with finding sponsors and obtaining materials.  The cost to sponsor one of the (models?) will be $500.00.   The sponsor will provide a stipend for the artist.

5.  Pedestrian Mall – Discussion continued regarding the sponsorship and maintenance needs of the Mall.  Various tasks and possible projects were suggested.  It was suggested that Committee members walk the Mall once more to better understand the scope of work of the Mall and how the Committee can best contribute to its maintenance and improvement.

6.  New Members - The procedures for assignment to the Salem Beautification Committee were reviewed.  A request for assistance in gaining new members will be made to the Administration.
Suggestions as to ways to call attention to the rewards in being a Committee member were made.

 7.  Other – Various news items were reported:
        In connection with the conversation the Committee had with last meeting’s visitors from the “Point,” Marcia reported that the recycling of trash sign has been translated into Spanish.  The Committee hopes to maintain a relationship with the area.
        MaryAnne noted that Artist Row was cleaned up and planted with the help of six young Salem Cyberspace members.  She especially noted how great they were to work with and suggested we may do well to maintain a working relationship with the group.

        Earlier in the meeting it was suggested that the November Agenda include: (1) A decision on the Pedestrian Mall, (2) Christmas, (3) Wrap up of Halloween, (4) The designation of a Committee member to be the Committee Historian.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  November 29, 2011

Chairperson:  Marcia Lambert